Collection: RMR Footprint Adapter Plate

RMR Footprint Adapter Plate is a crucial accessory for shooters who want to use RMR-style red dot sights on firearms or mounting systems that are not directly compatible with the RMR Footprint. It provides flexibility and ensures a secure, reliable mounting solution. A high-quality RMR red dot adapter plate ensures a secure and precise fit, maintaining proper alignment and zero retention for the red dot sight.

Red Dots with RMR Footprint:

  • ADE Advanced Optics RD3-019 Stingray / RD3-020 Raptor / RD3-023 Valkyrie.
  • Holosun 407C V2 X2 / 507C V2 X2 / 508T X2 / EPS & EPS Carry(Some models)
  • NcStar VISM FlipDot Pro.
  • Riton X3 Tactix PRD.
  • Swampfox Justice RMR 1x27 / RMR 1x22.
  • Swampox Kingslayer.
  • Trijicon RMR / SRO.
  • Ade Advanced Optics RD3-018.
  • Vector Optics Frenzy 1x22x26.
  • ohhunt RD U2 / FB O4 / Other ohhunt RMR Footprint Optics.